only some synapses firing...

Started the fall of 2003, this blog gives you a glimpse of our experiences during our sons deployment to Iraq with the Stryker Brigade.

Sunday, February 15, 2004

The stupid ones...

The Stryker Brigade recently took over operations in Northern Iraq from the 101st Airborne Division.

The Stryker soldiers—wearing brand-new advanced combat uniforms and new-style helmets with high-tech communication gear, level-2 first-aid packets, and every new-issue gizmo to roll off the production lines in pouches that took up all the lash points on their body armor—were given little more attention than glances and professional courtesy by the soldiers in ragged DCUs with their blood types written in faded scrawls on their boots as if to say, "Welcome to Iraq, Mr. High-Speed; ready to SP (start patrol)?"

Little conversation and less advice passed between the two groups of soldiers. The best advice came during an early briefing when one of the Stryker soldiers asked for an assessment of the people they would be fighting - their strong points and weak points.

The reply was short and to the point, "All the stupid ones are already dead."

It's a standard saying among Soldiers in Iraq, but it is probably the most important warning they’ll hear.


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